Google, What Were You Thinking?

Google got caught with its hand in the cookie jar. Stefan Magdalinski, writing for Mocality:

Since October, Google’s GKBO appears to have been systematically accessing Mocality’s database and attempting to sell their competing product to our business owners. They have been telling untruths about their relationship with us, and about our business practices, in order to do so. As of January 11th, nearly 30% of our database has apparently been contacted. ... I did not expect to find a human-powered, systematic, months-long, fraudulent (falsely claiming to be collaborating with us, and worse) attempt to undermine our business, being perpetrated from call centres on 2 continents. The news coming out these days about Google is all sunshine and peaches, huh? Make sure you read Stefan's entire post.

an update

I missed this yesterday because I was visiting with friends back home until late last night and then spent most of today on the interstate driving back from southern Virginia. Mike Krahulik (Gabe), has posted an update to the Ocean Marketing saga over at Penny Arcade:

I just wanted to post an update with some of the stuff that has happened over on my end with regards to all this Ocean Marketing stuff. Around midnight last night Paul sent me a mail saying that I could expect to hear from their attorneys. As of right now that still has not happened and honestly I don’t expect it will. Our attorneys (who are real people with an office and everything) are ready should it get to that point though. Head over to Penny Arcade to see the rest.

Just Wow!

Mike Krahulik (Gabe), writing at Penny Arcade:

I got an incredible email today from a Penny Arcade reader. Dave shared with me an email chain between him and Ocean Marketing (the folks behind the Avenger controller) Trust me when I tell you that this is one wild ride. I’m serious, Mr. Toad would look at this ride and just give a slow clap while shaking his head. I have tried to arrange this as best I can in chronological order. I’ve also removed email addresses and other private information. So let’s just jump right in, here is Dave’s first mail to Ocean Marketing: See the entire email exchange. John Siracusa, Will Shipley, and Dave Nanian summed up the entire ordeal nicely on Twitter:

This Week In Douchebaggery: AllThis

Well, it's Monday - I guess that means it's time for another douchebag to create a startup on the Internet. Introducing, They list themselves as being in "beta" on their website and claim to be "the ten-minute exchange". Apparently users can bid on and purchase blocks of other users' time! How exciting! And, oh, hey, Mashable wrote an article about them! Wow! Awesome! You know what's even more awesome? You likely already have a profile there! Where people can buy 10 minutes or YOUR time! Fantastic. Look at the notable digerati that have already signed up! All of these profiles have since been removed by AllThis. See the updates at the bottom. * Mike Monteiro * Marco Arment * Jason Santa Maria * Jeff Zeldman * Frank Chimero * Merlin Mann * Dan Benjamin * John Siracusa * Andy Ihnatko * Leo Laporte * David Chartier * Jeremy Keith * Jared Spool * Jacqui Cheng * Tom Merritt * Veronica Belmont * MG Siegler Ok, I'll cut the crap. This site has me really steamed. I reached out to them on Twitter to ask just WTF they were doing:

To which they replied:

Really? No scraping? Then how come each of those profiles listed above are IDENTICAL to the metadata that is listed within the profiles on those social services they're associated with. My response:

Their response:

So apparently, our "friends" created those pages for us. You know, by painstakingly copying our profiles, verbatim, and listing them on their site. Bullshit. This "startup" is scraping prominent peoples' Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn profiles and listing them on their site in order seed the site with accounts that their users might want to buy the time of, without first asking permission to do so of those users or even telling them that they've done so. Did they think no one would notice? Did they really think this was okay to do? Did they really think there wouldn't be pushback from these users by blatantly scraping their profiles, including avatar images, in order to misrepresent that they were using the site? When they finally decide to put up a defense to this, they'll no doubtedly point out that each of the profiles listed above has this disclaimer featured prominently beside the person's name. So prominent that they chose to display the text as a light grey on a white background. It's all about the user experience, after all: Also…"yet"? Awfully presumptuous, I think. It looks though, as I'm not alone in being upset about this:

Update, 12:45 pm eastern: Amy Hoy has also written an excellent post on this topic.

They will remove you from their site if you threaten them — however, they will pretend to not “understand” why you are “upset” — and go on thieving from other people. So, the best way to stop this is to enforce our copyrights. If they steal from you, don’t bother telling them to remove the profile.

She's done a lot of leg work to find out who their DNS and Hosting is provided by and posted their info on her site. [Check it out](

Update, 2:26 pm eastern: AllThis, in response to the deluge of negative Tweets, has begun removing a lot of the prominent profiles listed above. It looks like Mike Monteiro got his lawyer on the case:

In other news, check out the newly launched [AllThisPR Twitter account](!/allthisPR)!

Update 10:19 AM, Dec 20: It appears that all of the accounts I'd listed above have now been removed from their site. According to this Tweet they sent to Amy Hoy last night, they've now turned off non-member pages:

Good work Internet.

Update 12:39 PM, Dec 20: AllThis seems to be waging a war on Twitter against it's detractors. These people are the height of class:

Another instance of their classy communication techniques:

Update 2:09 PM, Dec 20: In addition to hitting BoingBoing, the story is now climbing up the page on Techmeme. Chris Sacca has weighed in and AllThis looks to finally start showing some deference regarding their actions:

Update: 8:00 AM Dec 21: Nick Douglas, writing for Slackstory chimed in:

> I think Allthis thinks they’re being cool and edgy? That would count if their business were, like, funny t-shirts. But Allthis is about helping nerds and suits network. They really wanna shoot for Louis C.K. and come across as Dane Cook? This site won’t make trading time cool. It just makes it gross, desperate and awkward.

Update, 10:56 AM, Dec 21: Matt Gemmel wrote an excellent piece on AllThis as well. He was one of their victims too:

I clicked the link, and saw that I somehow already had a page on their site (also since removed by them), which showed who currently held the supposed right to ten minutes of my time, and even showing my supposed calendar over the next few days (all times were marked as available, of course, since they had no knowledge of my actual availability).

I highly recommend [you read]( Matt's article. His commentary on the whole fiasco was put much better than I could have done so myself.

Update, 11:40 AM, Dec 21: {merlin voice}Turns out{/merlin voice}, AllThis are still being assholes on Twitter:

Update, 11:54 AM, Dec 21: More good news for AllThis. Also, there was a puff piece posted on VentureBeat yesterday about AllThis in which they had interviewed one of the founders. I did not notice, but GigaOm did that this article was written by the same reporter who formerly worked at Mashable, and wrote that glowing review of them back in October. Make of that what you will... Bobbie Johnson at GigaOm, wrote an excellent post about user hostile techniques such as this starting to show up more and more within the industry:

I think what jars me the most is that these companies almost all claim to be “social”, but they are in fact employing marketing techniques that are uniquely anti-social. They use our images and our identities to fluff up their services and boost their bank accounts. They do all the things you or I would be pilloried for. In the grand scheme of things, shadow profiles are just a tiny part of this encroachment. But they are still bad behavior that help no one except the companies involved (and even then, they probably don’t help them in the long run). Shadow profiles are precisely the sort of marketing method that has been rewarded — rather than punished — over the last few years.

> Perhaps it’s about time we really held them to account for it.

Update, 12:33 PM, Dec 21: David Chartier noticed that AllThis has now removed the search box from their site so users can no longer find out of their profile was also scrapped.

Also, Liam Boogar, writing for The Rude Baguette, wrote a post about what AllThis should have done and what they did wrong:

To all you pre-PR startups out there: head this warning – angry users are the best thing that can ever happen to you. It’s like on YouTube: your video isn’t popular until someone comments about how your video relates to Justin Bieber, and then someone else complains that people only talk about Justin Bieber on the internet. People that are angry are impassioned, and this is the best thing you can hope for in users. Take those angry users, and turn them into ambassadors by demonstrating not only the value of your product, but the value of your team. In short, don’t “AllThis” up your PR.

Conservatives, In Defending Hermain Cain, Deny That Sexual Harassment Exists. Really.

Dahlia Lithwick, writing for Slate:

I have no idea what Herman Cain did with the two, or maybe three, or possibly now four women who have raised allegations of improper sexual behavior about him. I don’t know whether any of them will come forward and run the risk of being labeled a slut for their efforts to do their jobs without being treated like pole-dancers. I do know that—as Amanda Marcotte so eloquently explained this week—the very same people who insist that we don’t know what actually happened all those years ago seem to know exactly what happened: nothing. Sexual harassment is now nothing. Welcome to the era of gender harassment denialism. The harassment skeptics claim that harassment, like racism, used to exist but is now over. Twenty years ago, when charges were leveled at Clarence Thomas, supporters of the accused refused to take the accuser seriously. Now supporters of the accused refuse to take the accusation itself seriously. We have gone from not knowing what sexual harassment is to not believing it still happens. All in less than 20 years. Remember, we don’t know what happened, beyond the fact that several employees came forward with complaints and received cash settlements. That’s not a lot of information. Cain defenders could have stopped there. Instead, great swaths of them have opted to assert that there could never be a valid sex discrimination claim because the whole thing is just a racket. And they went even further: The same folks criticizing the National Restaurant Association employees who came forward with claims that they were uncomfortable in their workplace are willing to deploy the most archaic and gender-freighted stereotypes to get there. Sexual harassment can’t be “real” because the women who claim it are money-grubbing, hysterical, attention-seeking tramps. Read the rest of the piece, if like me, you want your blood pressure to skyrocket.

Amazon Responds To Complaints About Poor Working Conditions In Warehouses

Matthew Panzarino, writing for The Next Web:

We reached out to Amazon to see if it had any thoughts regarding these claims and it replied to us with this statement:

At Amazon, the safety and well-being of our employees is our number one priority. We have several procedures in place to ensure the safety of our associates during the summer heat, including increased breaks, shortened shifts, constant reminders and help about hydration, and extra ice machines. Our fulfillment team was dealing with record hot temperatures this past summer. We have air conditioning in some FC’s – Phoenix, AZ for example — but we haven’t historically had air conditioning in our east coast fulfillment centers. We’re in the process of adding air conditioning to additional FC’s so that we’re prepared in case what we saw this past summer becomes the new normal.

Inside an Amazon Warehouse

Spencer Soper, reporting for The Morning Call on the working conditions in Amazon’s Allentown, PA warehouse:

During summer heat waves, Amazon arranged to have paramedics parked in ambulances outside, ready to treat any workers who dehydrated or suffered other forms of heat stress. Those who couldn’t quickly cool off and return to work were sent home or taken out in stretchers and wheelchairs and transported to area hospitals. And new applicants were ready to begin work at any time. An emergency room doctor in June called federal regulators to report an “unsafe environment” after he treated several Amazon warehouse workers for heat-related problems. The doctor’s report was echoed by warehouse workers who also complained to regulators, including a security guard who reported seeing pregnant employees suffering in the heat. via John Gruber.