170 Years of the World's Hurricane Tracks Mapped

Betsy Mason, at Wired's MapLab blog writes:

This map shows the paths of every hurricane and cyclone detected since 1842. Nearly 12,000 tropical cyclones have been tracked and recorded, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration keeps them all in a single database. Long-term datasets can be really interesting and scientifically valuable, and this one is undoubtedly both. The map is fascinating. Check it out.

My List Of Hurricane Sandy Weather Resources

I've always been fascinated by extreme weather. It wasn't until my second year of college that I decided to focus on a technology related degree rather than pursue meteorology. Because of this, whenever the area I live in is under a Tornado warning, tropical system warning, or there is an incoming winter storm I tend to get excited and track the storm closely as it comes in. Growing up, my dream job was to be a storm chaser chasing Tornados in the mid-west (in college was where I learned just how many of those jobs exist and what they paid...). As Hurricane Sandy gets closer and looks as if it will directly impact where I live, I've been spending more and more of my time over the last few days glued to the advisories being released by the National Hurricane Center, our local weather geniuses at Capital Weather Gang, and other good sources of weather info. This morning, as I kept finding more and more great resources I began having difficulty in keeping track of them all and decided that I should just build my own page with links to them to make it easier. It occurred to me that other people might appreciate being able to see this page as well. Here it is. I've yet to come up with a good name for it and I've intentionally put near zero effort in its design (other than slapping it together with bootstrap) in order to keep it as light-weight as possible for speed. Please use the contact form on the site linked in the nav to send me sites you think would be good to include on the page. Hurricane Sandy Weather Resources Note: The site is a work in progress and I'm still updating it. I could consider it incomplete at this time but will continue to update it over the next 48 hours or so with links.

Hurricane Irene Forms Two New Inlets at the Outer Banks

I tooted about this earlier, but I couldn't help but writing a post here as well. I'm very familiar with the Outer Banks. My family and friends vacation there a lot, and it's one of my favorite places in the world (especially Ocracoke Island). Because of the familiarly of OBX, I guess this piece of news feels the most real to me out of all of the other damage that Hurrican Irene caused. So check this out: Source: MSNBC & Steve Helber, Associated Press MSNBC added this caption to these photos:

Officials survey the damage to Route 12 on Hatteras Island, N.C., on Aug. 28. Hurricane Irene swept through the area Saturday cutting the roadway in five locations. Irene caused more than 4.5 million homes and businesses along the East Coast to reportedly lose power over the weekend, and at least 11 deaths were blamed on the storm. A local North Carolina TV station had this video on their site: An article accompanied this video which contains more specific information. I was curious, however, about where exactly the two inlets are. Based on the lone building in the first photo and about 10 minutes searching Google Maps' Satellite View, I think I found the location. Check the Street View as well. See the small structure next to it? Now look at the satellite view ago and the photo above. Fairly certain they're the same. Now for the second photo. This is the most interesting of the two, I think, because it shows that there was a house that was destroyed and was washed out to sea. I think the second photo was at this location. See the northernmost house on the left side of the road? See the circular feature on the right side of it? See how those western-most houses are arranged in a semi-circle?. Now, notice the northern-most house on the right? See how its almost in-line with the northern most house on the left? Now check out the street view. You can see the large square brown sign on the left side of the road with white lettering. Its on both the Google Maps link and the MSNBC photo. Now look for the northernmost eastern house? Instead of the house, the new inlet is there. The house no longer exists, at least in constructed, house-form - I'm sure it exists, but in many parts, all floating in the ocean or washed up along the beach elsewhere. Stunning, for me at least.